Starting Your Software Engineering Career at a Development Agency
I recently moved into a new role (and back from engineering manager to individual contributor… more on that in another post) and have been reflecting on my career and the experiences I’ve had that led me to where I am today. Looking back, I think that one of the things that boosted by career and technical ability was starting at a development agency as opposed to starting on a dedicated product team.
Disclaimer: this is just my view based on my own experience. In fact, it’s an incredibly narrow view, as it’s the only path I charted. I’d love for someone to write the inverse version of this article about their experience starting their career on a product team!
The Benefits
Exposure to different problems & constraints
I think the biggest benefit to working at a development agency is the multitude of problem spaces you get to work in. This breadth of problem spaces breeds different constraints, approaches, and demands creativity in spots where you’d otherwise coast along with the way things are currently done.
One constraint you’ll approach is the client’s budget. Some projects will have a seemingly infinite budget (well, not really, but you know). The client is heavily invested in the outcome, has money to spend, and while given an estimate, isn’t too concerned about the final cost as long as they feel like they’re getting what they paid for at the end of the project. Other clients will have incredibly strict budgets and every extra billable minute will be a fight to get approved no matter how critical the work is to the project.
Another constraint you’ll have to work with is the scope of the project. Are you setting up a full system with a custom backend, frontend, admin portal, etc.? Or is it just a slim mobile app that’s mainly a wrapper around existing web functionality? Maybe you’re given an existing codebase from a previous agency the client worked with and you’re tasked with adding functionality to the current experience. All of these will lend themselves to different approaches and different ways to solve the same problem.
Once you know what kind of client you’re working with and the scope of the problem, you get to think about how much of the project can be re-used from past work, which tools you’re going to use, and how the final product will be delivered to the client. Given this matrix of different decisions you have to make, you’re constantly thinking of what the best approach will be and how you can creatively get to the solution that will make the client happy (and thus coming back for more work on the future, hopefully!).
You can’t rely on robust existing systems
Wait…this is an upside? Well, it could go either way, but I think it is. Working at a big tech company or with a large engineering team on a product that’s been around for a while means there’s probably some existing systems that you’ll get to leverage. Need to add telemetry around something you built? Cool, someone’s already provided the majority of the telemetry system, you just need to add some more usages of the existing system and it’ll end up in your existing telemetry dashboard. Deployment pipelines are set up, best practices are established, and while things to change and upgrades are made, a lot of things will have been done and you’re going to be working with the project as it is today.
Sounds great, right? Sometimes it is, especially when you need to get stuff done quick. However, this means you’re going to have a more narrow view of how things can be done. You’re witnessing one way of doing things, when in reality there are many ways to architect a system, build a product, deploy a product, etc. and you’re seeing the output of the constraints in which this product was confined to.
Ability to rethink your tools more frequently
Which leads to another upside: you get to rethink your approach and the way you build products more frequently [1] . I worked at a shop that was using Angular 1 for its projects at the time. We were always running into issues, delays, etc. because the tool we were using wasn’t serving us as well as different tools could. Instead of having to migrate a large, existing product to a new framework to reap the benefits, we just made a goal of researching new frameworks for our next project. (It’s not important to the story, but we eventually settled on Vue even though it was in beta at the time, and were very happy with our decision. It’s a great framework!)
Most large-scale migrations at product teams are just that: large in scale and thus large in cost. They require team buy-in, leadership buy-in, budget allocation, and the risk associated with a major change. These happen from time to time, but they’re typically rare and you better be damn sure that what you’re switching to is going to serve your team better than the existing tools (now and in the medium to long-term future) because having to explain to your engineering and leadership teams that your half-year migration ended up with a worse result isn’t going to be easy.
On that last point, what if Vue hadn’t worked for us as well as we thought? Again, no migration required, we just wouldn’t have used it for further projects and went back to the drawing board. You’ll also find that sometimes the tool you typically use isn’t the right tool for this project. You end up not needing a framework or the project lends itself more to a no-SQL database than it does a relational database. This leads to the aggregation of both technical and critical problem solving skills which will benefit you if and when you decide to work on a product team.
The Downsides
Less iteration, you don’t have to deal with your consequences
Again…this is a downside? I’d say it is, at least in terms of thinking with the future of the project in mind. One of the hardest things that I dealt with when moving from an agency to a product team was adopting a longer-term mindset. That small hack isn’t going to just be there for getting this project out, it’s now technical debt that you’re going to have to come up with a solution for in the future.
Typically you’ll work on a project for a relatively short amount of time, say 3-12 months, and then hand it off for someone else to maintain or spend a limited amount of hours per month fixing things or iterating on the project per the contract. While there are some upsides to this that I mentioned above, you also don’t typically think past the initial feature set or the work that’s been scoped. When moving to a product team, not only should you think this way, but your team and manager will expect you to think this way. It’s not impossible to learn, but it is a big shift in how you build things and how you make decisions.
Less feedback on your work
This one probably varies more depending on where you go, but in my experience there wasn’t much feedback on your work. In the places I was at, there were at most two people on any project at any given time, and we rarely did any form of code review outside of ad hoc conversations about approach or architecture. This led me to making the same mistakes multiple times, thinking what I was doing was sound, only to learn down the road that I’d made easily correctable mistakes if only there had been some feedback from someone with more experience.
I’ve also found that this comes up in things where you’re biased or don’t have visibility into. For me, this was
accessibility. I didn’t really know much about web accessibility at the time, nor was it written into any of the
contracts or scope for the projects I worked on. The only exception was tab-ordering, which was thought of more
as a convenience for keyboard users and less as an accessibility requirement. So what’d I do? I’d go through the
document and manually add tab-index
values, incrementing each tab-focusable element’s tab-index
by one if it
should be the next focusable element. Adding a new button that should be the second focusable element on the page?
I’d search for all other tab-index
values on the page and increment them all by one. Yes, I still cringe about
this today, even after almost a decade, and wish I’d learned that there was an easier, more accessible, and more
maintainable way to do this.
There are likely more upsides and downsides than mentioned above, and you could argue which side the ones I chose fall on. Like I said above, these are just my thoughts based on my own very narrow experience. Whatever you think of the above, I wouldn’t fault anyone for joining a big company, taking a role that paid better, or doing what’s best for your personal situation. Do what’s best for you! You’re going to learn an incredible amount in your first professional software engineering role wherever you choose.
If you want to. Not every new project needs a new approach, especially if you’re under time or budget constraints. Happy with what you’re building on or need to stand something up quick? You’re in a good spot!